Commands & Binds

Console Binds

+dod_walk - hold down to walk slower but silently

throw_smoke - throws a smoke grenade
voice_smoke - yell out "Smoke Em!"

throw_rock - throws a rock *disabled*

throw_flare - throws a flare *disabled*

voice_menu4 - shows the new voice menu #4
voice_menu5 - shows the new voice menu #5

meth_menu - shows the methamphetamine menu
meth_self - inject yourself with methamphetamine
meth_player - inject other player with methamphetamine

call_support - call in some artillery to where youre aiming
+call_support_aim - hold down to aim then release to fire


open your console by pressing ~

to create the bind type: bind key command

example: bind p throw_smoke

Chat Commands

/help - shows the server information window
/motd - shows the message of the day window
/binds - shows the binding menu for new commands
/stats - shows the server stats webpage
/rank - show your rank on the server stats
/top10 - shows the top 10 players on the server stats
/ratio - displays your current kill/death ratop


> join the bar/bren/stg44 class
> then select shotgun from the menu

or: type cls_shotgun in the console

or type /shotgun in the chat


to tackle an enemy player, run into them while holding
down sprint. You'll have a random chance of pushing
them, knocking them to the ground, knocking their gun
away, fading their screen, and/or doing damage

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